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Winter Break Trip to Portugal

Friday, Dec 27, 2024 - 8:00 pm through Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 - 10:00 pm

Open for sign up
Payment Options:
HMC Portugal Trip Deposit
Leaders: Cameron McCrary
Cameron Kaminsky
Required ratings:
Top Rope

Event Information


Hello Mountaineers!

HMC is excited to annouce a new winter break trip going to Portugal! This trip will be from December 27th -  Janurary 8th

Portugal is home to lots of worldclass sport climbing routes. This trip will be a great chance to enjoy sport climbing and pair it with some great travel abroad. The majority of the climbing that HMC will do in Portugal will be sport climbing. All partipants will be required to have a tope rating in order to register to the event. And must have a sport climbing rating by the time the event happens. There will be some opportunity for multi-pitch climbing. If a participant is intertested they will need the required ratings through HMC as well.

There will be an iteneray below which will give a rough detail to the timeline of the trip.

Leader Cams Flight Schedule


A participants flight needs to land on or before 11:00am on Dec 28th in Lisbon. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis

A participants departing flight needs to leave 9:00am or later from Lisbon on Jan 8th.  Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis


Dec 28th - Land in Lisbon

Dec 29th - Rest/Tourist Day

Dec 30-Jan 7th - Climbing with random rest days depending on weather and how the group feels

Jan 8th - Depart Lisbon

Cost Breakdown

Rental Car








Trip Subsidy



$2700 (Group)




Rental Car


Airbnb / Vrbo





$300 ($25 Day)



Trip Subsidy



$1370 (Per Person)

Where we are staying


  • House in Lourinha, Portugal

  • 35 Min drive to Airport

  • 45 Min to downtown Lisbon

  • 500m to the beach

  • Nearby grocery

  • Nearby restaurants 

  • Lots of local crags around


Please email Cameron ( with any Questions

Event Type
Trip (off-site, ratings may be achieved)
Accommodation Information
We will be staying in an Airbnb 40 minutes outside of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. This Airbnb is close to a number of crags with driving time ranging from 20-40 minutes. The Airbnb can accommodate up to 10 people
Driving or Travel Details
While in Portugal the two trip leaders will be driving two rental cars. Participants are responsible for their own flight to Lisbon Airport. Participants are expected to land around the same time as the group on the same day in Lisbon. Participants can choose to land at different times but will be expected to either wait for the main group to arrive or arrange their own transit to the Airbnb if they are arriving after the group
Food and Equipment Information
Food will be entirely up to each participant. The group as a whole will go to a local grocery often. People can group together to cook meals, go to local restaurants, buy their own food etc. If you have dietary restrictions it will be up to the participant to accommodate those. The trip leader will make extra effort to accommodate any restrictions as well. Hoofer Mountaineering will provide all the ropes, quick draws, anchor setting materials, and stick clips
Trip Cancellation, Reschedule, and Refund Information
In the event that the trip is cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances (such as a global pandemic) every effort will be made to refund the participants. No guarantee can be given due to the nature of booking stays, rental cars, and other travel expenses in the future. If a participant would like to drop out of the trip and have someone else take their spot, HMC can accommodate. If the dropout happens within 90 days of the trip start date (Dec 27th) the participant is not entitled to a refund on the amount paid into HMC. If the participant drops out farther than 90 days out from the event they can receive a full refund
Trip Purpose/Goals
Have a great time climbing and sightseeing in another country

Registration Count

Registration Type Registrations Remaining
All Participants 8 0