Puerto Rico trip - WAITLIST
Thursday, Jan 4, 2024 (12:00 am - 1:00 am)
Event Information
- Description
Trip Details
Dates: January 4th - January 17th
Location: Puerto Rico
Will be primarily sport climbing, but possibly beach bouldering as well!
Transportation: Rental Car
Lodging: 2 AirBnBs
#1) airbnb.com/rooms/965149163291285681?adults=7&enable_m3_private_room=true&check_in=2024-01-04&source_impression_id=p3_1698810743_8tqmRUG5Gm7Oivxh&previous_page_section_name=1000&federated_search_id=8b614967-c365-4c14-b340-b0fc0a489325&guests=1&check_out=2024-01-12
Total Trip Size: 8 climbers (including leaders)
Cost Estimate: $650 ($400 paid up front, remaining after the trip).
Rough Itinerary:
January 4th:
Take flight to San Juan
Arrive and all meet at San Juan Airport the evening of Jan 4
Drive to airbnb #1 (1 hr away)
January 5-12th
Select between the 4 crags near Airbnb #1
Beach bouldering day in East coast of island
Hiking, walking around, at least one day to explore San Juan
January 12-17th
Drive to Airbnb #2
Beach time, check out local crags, mountain biking, hiking
January 17th
Leave from San Juan, flights late afternoon
Arrive to home destinations
Price Breakdown:
AirBnB (13 nights): $250 (under $20/night!)
Rental Car + Gas (14 days): $160
Group Meals: $35
Checked bag ($112/8): $14
Flight (purchase on your own): $160
Total: ~$650
Deposit: $400 - remaining will be paid for after the trip
- Event Type
- Accommodation Information
- Driving or Travel Details
- Food and Equipment Information
- Trip Cancellation, Reschedule, and Refund Information
- Trip Purpose/Goals
Registration Count
Registration Type | Registrations | Remaining |
All Participants | 4 | 4 |