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This event was cancelled on Thu 10/12/2023, by Claire Johnson for the following reason:

Bouldering Social at Devil's Lake

Friday, Oct 13, 2023 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm)

Leaders: Alexander Yun
Claire Johnson
Cameron McCrary

Event Information


Hi folks,

Join Alex, Cam, and I for a morning bouldering session at Burma Road at Devil's Lake! Our cars will be leaving Memorial Union Circle at 9:00 AM - please don't be late!! This is not a paid event, though I might ask attendees to chip in for gas or buy drivers ice cream treats. Feel free to meet us there if you can arrange your own transportation - please shoot me a text preemptively (763-913-6213) if you plan on meeting us there! Cheers!

- Claire


Event Type
Accommodation Information
Driving or Travel Details
Food and Equipment Information
Trip Cancellation, Reschedule, and Refund Information
Trip Purpose/Goals

Registration Count

Registration Type Registrations Remaining
All Participants 5 0